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ICCI 2005 Call for Tutorials and Workshops

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*********************** ICCI 2005 **********************

International Congress on Computational Intelligence
August 10-12, 2005
Montería, Colombia

Home Page: http://platon.escet.urjc.es/~ciic05/


Having in mind the integration of several areas related to computational 
intelligence, researchers are invited to propose workshops, special 
sessions or tutorials for the International Congress on Computational 
Intelligence ICCI 2005, which will be held in the City of Monteria – 
Colombia , August 10-12, 2005.
Workshops and special sessions provide an interesting space to research 
groups for presenting and discussing their most recent results, other 
research opportunities and the mechanisms to consolidate those 
opportunities in Latin America and our
Tutorials are valuables activities for making an approach between the 
scientific community and several experts of the fields
related to computational intelligence. The tutorial, as an interaction 
tool, provides the opportunity for presenting
fundamental topics or novel methods that are promissory in applications.
Workshops will be half or one day long (August 10) and proposals can be 
focused on basic research or applications.
Tutorials will be half or one day long (August 10)

Selection criteria

Proposals will be reviewed by the Workshops, Special Sessions and 
Tutorials (WSST) committee according to the following criteria:

• Will the tutorial, special session or workshop generate and stimulate 
discussions with useful results?
• Expected depth of the topic.
• Ability of the proponents to demonstrate trough the proposal that the 
workshop or special session will be successful
• Global balance of the topics presented in the program
• Coherence between the proposal and the main areas of the congress.

In case of receiving several proposals about the same topic, authors are 
invited to joint them.


A proposal should have a detailed description of the topic, its current 
relevance and the main objectives of the activity.

Besides it should include the following elements:

• Preliminary program of the activities with expected times
• Wished number of participants
• Selection criteria for participants ( not required for tutorials).
• Required infrastructure ( if it is different from the standard).

Finally, a proposal should include a sketch of the organizers’ 
curriculum (articles, projects, etc). Proposals could be written in 
English or Spanish. They must have a length of three (3) pages and be in 
text, .pdf or .ps formats. Authors interested in organizing a workshop 
or a special session must send their proposals via E-mail to 
mmelgarejo@udistrital.edu.co . The deadline is February 10, 2005. 
Received proposals after this date won’t be taken into account. 
Organizers will receive a notification of acceptance or rejection on 
February 28, 2005. If a proposal is accepted, organizers will receive 
detailed instructions about the final format of the materials.

Responsibilities of the organizers

Before the workshop/special session or tutorial:

Organizers with the help of the WSST committee will be in charge of the 
publicity of their sessions. Moreover, they will select, invite and 
confirm participants.
Selection of participants will be managed by the organizers. 
Participants must send to the organizers short articles about 4 or 6 
pages related to in-progress works. For tutorials, it would be necessary 
to define the maximum number of participants.

Organizers will be in charge of the registration of participants. They 
will receive results of the selection no later than June 15, 2005.
Organizers must construct a final program of their workshops or sessions 
and send it to the participants and the WSS committee before June 28, 
2005. Finally, organizers will be only in charge of the relative tasks 
to the publication of their activities.

During the workshop/special session or tutorial:

Organizers are in charge of making easy discussions, keeping a good 
interaction and motivating participation. Emphasis must be given to 
public discussion rather than individual presentations. To reach this 
goal, it is important to select the works having in mind diversity in 
points of view. ICCI 2005 will provide places and standard tools ( 
slides projector, video-beam, etc) .

WSST committee:

Miguel Melgarejo

Laboratorio de Automática, Microelectrónica e Inteligencia Computacional
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá D.C –Colombia

Oswaldo Velez-Langs
Departamento de Informática, Estadística y Telemática
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Calle Tulipan s/n                    TEL. 914887084
Mostoles 28933                       FAX. 914887049
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