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 The purpose of this note is to let you know that my new book "THE DESIGN OF
 INNOVATION: Lessons from and for Competent Genetic Algorithms" is now
 available for pre-publication orders from Kluwer Academic Publishers or

 THE DESIGN OF INNOVATION shows how to design and implement competent genetic
 algorithms--genetic algorithms that solve hard problems quickly, reliably,
 and accurately--and how the invention of competent genetic algorithms amounts
 to the creation of an effective, computational theory of human innovation.

 I've created a web site, http://www-doi.ge.uiuc.edu/, that contains more
 information about the book.  Right now, the web site contains a book
 summary, a table of contents, and full text of advance praise for DOI from
 such notables as John Holland, John Koza (see excerpt below), and Lotfi
 Zadeh.  More information will be added as it becomes available.

 The book will also be available at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
 Conference (GECCO-2002) in New York, 9-13 July 2002,
 (www.isgec.org/GECCO-2002) and there will be a book-signing event at 
 GECCO involving DOI and other books in the Kluwer Series on Genetic 
 Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation (GENA).  In the meantime, 
 keep watching http://www-doi.ge.uiuc.edu/ for breaking news about

 Dave Goldberg
     David E. Goldberg, Professor
     Director, Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (IlliGAL)
     Department of General Engineering
     Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
     Urbana, IL 61801
     http://www-illigal.ge.uiuc.edu/ (GA Lab)
     http://online.cen.uiuc.edu/webcourses/ge485/(GA Course)
     http://www.davidegoldberg.com/ (GA Consulting)
     phone: 217/333-0897; fax: 217/244-5705
     Watch for THE DESIGN OF INNOVATION, a new book
     by David E. Goldberg, to be published soon
     in the Kluwer Series on GAs and EC

     In this masterstroke of a book, Goldberg de-Balkanizes
     the field and bridges the chasm between theory and
     practice... Not only does he show a clear path toward
     the principled design of scalable genetic and evolutionary
     computation, he suggests how these computations lead
     to a computational theory of the innovative.

								                                         John Koza, Stanford University
     2002 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,
     GECCO-2002, will be held in New York, NY,
     July 9-13, 2002 (Tuesday-Saturday).
     For further information, http://www.isgec.org/GECCO-2002/
     Chair: Erick Cantu-Paz, cantupaz@llnl.gov